Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Creating Ads: Strategy and Process

Chapter 8 Powerpoint

Chapter 8 Quiz


Madmen - a show about the dawn of the Advertising Age.  Watch minutes 12-17 and from minute 27

Homework: The Client that you are going to create a pitch for is Whole Foods Market.  Here is their website, and you can find more information by Googling them.

Your team should work together to write a Creative Brief.

It should address these points:

• What is the basic problem that this advertiser needs to address?

• What is the objective of the advertising?

• What is the target audience?

• What key benefits do you need to communicate?

• How will your strategy support those benefits?

• What is the Brand Personality?

• Are there any special requirements?

Each member of the team should write up a draft addressing these points and bring it to class on Tuesday. You will be given time to work together as a group to refine your Creative Brief in class on that day.

Do the online quiz, and email it to


Chapter 8 in the text

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